
I intellectually understand the fear and anxiety that black people, especially men, in America must deal with every day. But I have no idea how it feels to get behind the wheel of a car and wonder if this is the day I get pulled over for a busted brake light and shot reaching for my driver's license. I will never

Ewww. Medusa could do so much better than Johnny Storm.

That's the only thing that could get me to watch it at this point.

Finn Jones is a shitty actor who doesn't even fucking know kung-fu.

Predominantly white, yes. Exclusively white, no. Also, THE SHOW HAS FUCKING DRAGONS IN IT.

I have to admit I'm really disappointed to see so many people here going "haha you guys are so stupid for judging something before it's made, this is censorship and limits freedom of speech, and can't you distinguish fiction and reality?" Yes, I can distinguish fiction and reality. I don't give a shit about doing

Many Jewish and Romani people expressed their discomfort with it, but whatever fits your worldview, I guess.

He's not American and he really likes to pretend that racism is just as bad when it's directed at white people, so unfortunately you're wasting your words on him.

He was, but he was also such a brilliant general that a lot of people are willing to overlook that. Ugh.

I love historical and speculative fiction, but the problem with the latter is that there's such a glut of the same old shit that it gets boring after a while. I like books that really take a comprehensive look at what it would be like, like the 1632 series or the trilogy where Edward VI lived and was king, and

They had the swastika/Nazi imagery ads all over the DC Metro last summer and fall. I'm not Jewish or Romani, but it made me so fucking uncomfortable that I decided to not even give the show a chance. I like a good alternate history, but I certainly don't like having the Nazi flag flying over the Statue of Liberty

I don't care if it's worse than all the Transformers movies put together, this has John Boyega in it and I'm gonna have my ass in a theater seat the day it comes out.

I'm honestly depressed as fuck that I have this list ready to go, because it isn't the first time I've posted it here, but I'd just like to add it to this comment thread for those who may find it helpful.

My big passion in life is cooking, and one of the first signs my depression is returning is that not only do I lose interest in cooking anything more complicated than a PB&J (and even that's too much sometimes so I just eat peanut butter out of the jar with my hand), I don't care about food at all, and nothing tastes

We make both, both I prefer the mustard sauce by far.

Dude, Chaps opened another location way closer to me and I could not be happier. Christ their pit beef is incredible.

The aquarium is still really cool!

Stop ruining cool shit for me, science!

Vodka martinis with dill pickle brine.