If you’re the person hacking these road signs or know who is, we’d like to talk to you. Here’s how to securely contact Jalopnik.
UCOTD (unpopular comment of the day)
Yeah, Hunt’s canned tomato sauce is my go-to, I used to be a Classico buyer and my mom always used Prego, but I find that $1.00 can of Hunt’s does everything for me that those other more expensive sauces do, so until I decide to actually make some tomato sauce from scratch, I’m going go with Hunt’s...
That’s given me an idea for a methane capture system!!!
Kind of wish this happened yesterday.
Because hot dogs have small amounts of ground up bone, so you could consider it stock-esque
I hate Huckabees.
That’s great, Drew. But who are the Chefs?
“Some people are fans of the Los Angeles Chargers.”
Dallas hasn’t been this fucked since that time Debbie came to visit.
Jezebel is like a murder jeep stacked with four people who have been approaching the same prey at 45 mph for three years, hitting liberally with spiked basbeall bats labeled, “white feminism” and “privilege???” At first their victim was Hillary Clinton, and god bless Anna Merlan for writing that great, totally impenetr…
Didn’t Drew just talk about eating Subway on the Deadcast? Wawa might not be the nirvana some think it is, but it is miles better than fucking Subway.
Except they should be called the Houston Humidity
1)The tomato in the first sandwich is too thick..
“a beer piss water writer who’s covered Michelob Ultra extensively”
My goodness that cartoon is rather spot on but too soft on Drumpf. Personally I think he’d yell at them for obscuring his ball and making him take an extra stroke.
Let us know when you decide to create your own content.
Seems pretty clear someone at IG has been making a profit off this. There is no way, unless its all the work of a savant hacker doing these restores, that there is not an internal link to these companies who is basically extorting these performers. I dont think I have ever used IG, but this is bullshit and needs more…