
Buttgeig, out of the closet...

Too bad! Nostalgia trumps all.

Nancy’s pretty old. How old?

hes not acting very presidential.

I didn’t feel old, when I could remember when the players retiring were rookies.

You can do what dad used to do, put the Hunts in a classico jar before company comes over.

2 for 7$ AND an e-coupon!

And is it 5 times as good as Hunts canned spag sauce?

Is that BOO or BOOURNS?

Oh just terrib...oooo theres a DOGGIE! HELLO DOGGIE!

A cheeze-it pizza? It’s not THAT hard. The joke is right there in the name!

‘Types of coca-cola’

Warhammer tournament.

I got a free cheeburrger.

Statue, what statue?

This is the most hipster of these yet.

We got another onion story with the rong header.

Wasnt this a Bobs Burgers epsiode?

And thats real blue cheese dressing.