
As someone who worked in places that had salad bar/buffets, my strategy is,

Minivans or Americas?

Fourth Street and D!

“you can work until 3:00 a.m. and then just walk home in 15 minutes while wearing a t-shirt”

..and maybe solve his murder!

I dont know if I could eat a cartoon fish.


They already saw one woman lose to trump. 

Someone who writes for a website can’t afford a second vehicle?

A week in death valley?

I got a 2004 Kia Sedona minivan last year. Thought I’d go out and see if I could find this place I’ve always heard tell of. Place they call, America.

Boob Police you say?

How is this not already a Netflix series?

“I’ve have never tasted an American Coney”

“If the beer is brown or amber in color”

Well Im sure research based on surveys filled out by high school kids should be completely reliable.

And where is that call from Celebrity Big Brother?

Too bad she didn’t kill her daughter 18 years ago.

You mean foon YER!

What can you expect from North Kilttown.