
I always feel I have to EARN my ejections. 

That IS a profesionally printed sign.

trans which way?

Do you want a government job with benefits and retirement, or do you want to tweet?

so waht was the comment?

We call it, doing a Clarkson’.

Now playing

yeah, but then we’d never have this cool shit!

Whats worse is they werent even in the show. Oh sure, they read stuff people gave them. But anyone could have. There was nothing of THEM.

We don’t care.

Now playing

We can serve better food. We’ll just have to raise taxes.

How to make high school suck less?

You do realise airports operate under FEDERAL law?

Don’t worry too much.

and windex is good for cuts!


no clip? I thought we had a clip.

Oh pleeze. You realise how many sales you can get if you only appeal to 1% of the people?

...she said while standing in leather shoes.

If you don’t like greek food, you aint gonna like turkish food. Cause that’s what greek food is. Just like everything else that’s greek.