
Just for fun, we put the Hooters logo in with them. See if you can pick it out!

Just sign right here, Mr Epstein.

But only half as much square feet of glass as a Pacer.

at a higher price. 

There’s only one reason people watch races where they only turn left.

Deadman switch or gtfo.

...whos never even heard of a corvette.

But now they cost even MORE!

They took the same stuff they already sell, put a new label on it and charge more.

ok, what chickie fillet is serving “buttered brioche-like buns”

These helmet companies are really missing the boat.

It’s over.

Millenials ruin Spam.

It sez thier wite works on your computer. It doesnt on mine.

Words mean whatever you want them to mean. Mambo Bannana Sharp Honk Travel.

Have you considered a subscription to the Daily news?

Thats too edgy. 

Andrew Yang is the Johnny “Celestial Comet” Chung of presidential candidates.

How the hell is this legal?

I said cook it FOR him!