
Just caught up to this episode, and so glad I started watching. The pilot hooked me when Michael explains how Mozart is in the Bad Place...and then Mozart’s playing at the reception.

Holy cow that’s amazing

Same with Orton re: “our girls performed in Abu Dhabi not too long ago.” I don’t expect him to be a political scientist — after all, SA and UAE have a lot in common I guess but in this case it’s a red herring (unless he thinks they’re working to “solve the middle east” or something). Anyway, nice job reminding

Curious to get folks’ thoughts on how long one can reasonably expect for a fan base to develop in a new city whether it’s a move or a new franchise (any Golden Knights fans around here?). Obviously their revenue estimates were obscenely lofty, but if one’s being generous, these things do take time, no?

Just FYI the headline seems to be incorrect. It says the doggo found a “whole roasted pig” while the sources say it was a 2lb roasted pig head (still a good job Hardy!). I like the author’s stuff in general; might just want to update that for clarity.

On top of that, Paul Simon singing that song isn’t “new stuff.” For goodness sake he’s been singing it by himself in almost every set for the past 45 years.

you’ll be happy to know then in seeing it you’ll have to opportunity to spite marco rubio

Makes me wonder what would have happened if they instead made a fictional but thinly-veiled version of Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook a la Citizen Kane - would that have worked? Just like FB, Hearst/Kane’s influence on everyday life was (for the time) similarly ubiquitous. That said, Zuckerberg doesn’t maintain Hearst’s

It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.”

Absolutely agree as well, especially re: minor league baseball. FWIW I’ve also found professional basketball games (usually) to be less rowdy - maybe it’s because everyone’s indoors where the temperature is controlled, you can’t tailgate, and so there’s a little more decorum. In particular, WNBA games are really fun -

And half stapler

Will we at least get a Tony Todd cameo where he explains that he in fact does not like soft-ass shit?


Thank you for your service.

I’m ready for The Vulcan Policemen’s Union and the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Bar-Clay.

I know I’m not the first one with this criticism, but it’s still fascinating that in the 3 phases, 10 years and 20 movies before Captain Marvel comes out, the closest the MCU got to a female lead was 1 Guardian (a few more if you want to count in Mantis and Nebula) and “and the Wasp.” What is it - the lack of Wonder

I mean how does a comms respond to this? “What you *don’t* see in the ad are the 4 Gosar children, including Rep. Gosar himself, who *don’t* actively dislike Rep. Gosar.”

The audience “what?” had me cracking up - the show’s done the ambient voice a couple of times (the others were in the stationhouse) and it gets me every time.

I already gave your comment a Like, but I just wanted to express my appreciation for the solid chuckle it gave me.

He’s now reached Uma Therman-level swordcraft