
With more greatness by Glenn Fleshler and Stephen Root, HBO continues to show how good it is to its character actors...

Has there been a more successful dual author-screenwriter in the past few years than Gillian Flynn? Also this is the first I’m hearing of Transit - looking forward to checking that out.

Como esta!

Ben Mendelsohn’s a good actor; here’s hoping he’s expressive enough in CM to get through the kind of cheesy goblin mask/makeup. (Compare Chris Eccleston in Thor: The Dark World with Doug Jones in anything.)

Thank you. Between that and all of the other nonsense he foisted onto the world stage (and for the matter, onto Iran as well), Ahmadinejad can fuck right off.

jesus dude

The “sequel” The World is Not Enough was technically better in a lot of ways (the game, certainly not the movie) - brighter, more variety in gameplay, etc., but never quite matched the fun goofiness of Goldeneye.

I’d also add to the list GOTG 2 - for me, what keeps it from being a total disaster are the chemistry between the characters and the goodwill they generate, as well as James Gunn’s touch. Otherwise it just seemed like they started shooting about 3 drafts too early: the stakes always felt a little too low (even as,

The bit about Malekith is a particular shame too - while I’m not familiar with the comics, Christopher Eccleston is a really solid actor in general.

for the Oscars, baby!

While I agree this was a good hour, I think we disagree about the past episodes. Outside of the fact that they do help set up the story/mystery, even the episodes that drifted somewhat allowed the show to create its own environment/characters/mood (which I personally enjoyed). Frankly, I think more shows could give

Weren’t you the guy convinced of some scheme that the AVClub was giving the show great reviews in exchange for access or something? I guess this sort of tanks that theory...*unless* it’s meant to throw us off the scent! Or better yet, maybe HBO intentionally created this subpar episode to give an otherwise in-the-bag r

Also worth keeping in mind that even beyond the issue of sham entities, warranties may not necessarily cover vehicles purchased by business entities instead of individuals.

Not that I empathize with any of the characters here, but it’ll never cease to amaze me how much importance the president vocally places on loyalty, and yet 1) the loyalty pledge only goes one way; and 2) they’re not loyal anyway because that’s not the kind of person who’d want to be in his orbit.

And yet of course the president watches CNN all the time, though I have a feeling that’s more about his need to watch himself being talked about, even if it’s negative coverage. Frankly, I find Jim Acosta to be a bit of a self-righteous showboater, but there’s no worldly comparison between whatever I think of that one

Looking forward to seeing this - the chat made me think of a couple of things:

*sigh* ah dammit.

Also, Train’s lead singer always seems to struggle with the song’s range when singing it live, which makes the listening experience that much more excruciating. I get that touring takes a toll on the voice, but why write a song you can’t even sing?

At the risk of dismissing your not at all hysterical comment, your history suggests you have a...keen interest in matters of race.

Take it for what it’s worth (not much), but Google lists Keanu Reeves as 6'1" and Ruby Rose as 5'7". Reeves is a good size taller than I am regardless, but in John Wick and even to some extent the Matrix, despite his “only” being 6'1", between his physique, the tailoring of his suits, and possibly the way he’s shot,