
Curious to get other folks’ thoughts: I enjoy a good AOC clapback as much as the next person, but this rubbed me the wrong way - I don’t like the idea of joking about using subpoena power as a cudgel just because Don Jr. tweeted something strikingly stupid at her (ostensibly unrelated to the Mueller investigation,

That’s so cool - thanks for sharing.

Apple original series from M. Night Shyamalan” is some serious mad libs stuff.

Ah thank you

Yes...I do? We’re not exactly dealing with the Battle Hymn of the Republic here. It’s a cute, catchy (and Oscar-winning!) pop song that, like a lot of pop music, didn’t age particularly well, but managed a longer shelf life thanks to its usefulness during the Christmas season.

“The world we live in is extra sensitive now, and people get easily offended...”

BTW as a minor addendum, whether this makes Egypt a theocracy is certainly debatable (and I’d still argue most probably no). Its constitution has historically been a secular document, and though one can question whether the modern addition of the sharia bit makes makes it a theocracy or is simply there as a more token

Pardon my lengthy post: I think that’s generally correct - in a lot of ways Israel is very secular and one of the most progressive places in the world (to the extent that some try to use, e.g., Israel’s widespread protections for the LGBTQ+ community against it for reasons I still don’t quite understand). Despite the

Now playing

May have already been mentioned, but Lewis Black had a great bit about Abcde (“the worst labor on record”) and other names (like “Shithead” prounced “shih-THADE).

The reviews weren’t stellar, but I thought the trailer to The Front Runner was great.

Well ok but how do the aliens pronounce it?

Absolutely - I saw someone posted comment elsewhere on this thread criticizing Enterprise’s prices in comparison with Turo. While I have no doubt that Enterprise makes a healthy profit (at least at the top), that extra cost also goes at least in part to regulatory compliance you mention. Not to mention insurance, wages

I saw Watchmen never having read it, and it had some memorable shots and characters despite my overall eye-rolling and frustration with it. That said, it doesn’t compare to the absolute affront to society that is Sucker Punch. If Watchmen was kind of a misfire, then Sucker Punch was a full-out broken arrow.

Bring back the entr’acte!

Looking at the URL, I wonder how far along into the process AVC decided against calling the adaptation “light-hearted.” Made me chuckle, anyway.

Glad I’m not the only one, but now I feel weird for so having so readily clicked on the link.

This is a particularly egregious example, but apparently this is just sort of this person Elmer’s style. The kind person who writes directly to the author in an overly familiar manner. Dude, the “Discussion” isn’t really a discussion.

This Vinyl-Bobby Cannavale-Scorsese-Boardwalk Empire-themed post allows me to reminisce about one of my favorite Bobby Cannavale acting moments at the beginning of BE season 3 when his antagonist character Gyp Rosetti goes around a table full of 1920s mobsters and spews vitriol at them one by one.

Having just started watching the series yesterday, I’m kind of hoping it gets there. With a few exceptions, it seems like so many of the residents of the Good Place are the kinds of humanitarians who could afford to be so...humanitarian. It would frustrate me more if the show didn’t seem so aware of how highfalutin

You’d think Mike Patton played for the Rockets