
This never happened to the other fella.

TPUSA are the diaper kids, right?

A tiny portion of my dad’s ashes up in space now, thanks to today’s launch. Space was a lifelong fascination/dream/goal of his and, while he obviously has no idea he finally made it, I’m feeling surprisingly and deeply moved by the thought of my dad as stardust.

I wonder if it will ever not-be satisfying to watch one of those landings?

Met him in my breakroom/dressing room at Universal Studios Hollywood. He’d seen the show I was in, and wanted to meet and say Hi to the performers who were in it. I was changing, and someone yelled out for me that someone was here to say Congrats. So I finished dressing and I went out to our little breakroom and there

One does not simply cross-section into Mordor...

in the article the employee took a photo of their boarding pass and shared it on social media after the mother asked her to stop making fun of her child. Naming your child abcde is dumb (at the same time there might be a specific reason for it that isn’t clear) but shaming a five year old online is a level of

Not surprising. At least it gave us Vincent D’Onofrio’s Wilson Fisk.

I agree that very often anti-antisemitism gets called out in bad faith when discussing Israel, and I don’t know if Mr. Hill had that intention here. But the ‘river’ in ‘from the river to the sea’ is the Jordan river. In order to create that Palestinian country, Israel would have to be destroyed in its entirety. So in


To be fair, that’s an Australian cow. It’s size is greatly exaggerated by the Mercator projection.

Computer: enhance.

Six foot four and full of gristle 

“The hills are alive with the sound of, AAAAAHHHHHHH!”

I’d argue it’s both. I think the racist assholes are more brazen about it right now, but it’s also just so much easier to capture their bullshit on camera...

This is the part of the story that never gets mentioned when it comes to ‘x-sharing’ whatever - the reason why most “Professional” options cost more is that there are clear guidelines when it comes to liability while a Rented/Leased property is in someone else’s control.

Turo largely amounts to giving someone your keys

This is what we call an infraction of the intent or spirit of law. When I worked for the city we would get constant complaints about these things (that job sucked by the way so please be nice to city employees even when they aren’t nice to you). The spirit of allowing free street parking in front of your house is so

Somers is an institution. He is incredibly knowledgeable about sports, so uniquely dopey as to be endearing in spite of himself, and profoundly decent to every single person who calls the radio station. He is not the Ambien Francesa, he is the anti-Francesa.

Steve Somers is a national treasure, and finding out that his shows are available as podcasts was one of the best discoveries of the past year for me.

Loving the sense of wonder at work in this trailer. Mothra’s reveal is gorgeous, and the choice of Claire de Lune as music- perfect.