
Hey - not an Israeli myself, and I promise I’m not trying to start anything here; I’d just offer that whether someone is politically liberal in Israel can be a lot more complicated than whether they objected to serving in the army. Not to mention the fact that it’s not unusual for the army and its top brass (as well

Dude, calm down. Just because the reviewer likes a show that you don’t doesn’t create some sort of furtive quid pro quo. No one is forcing you to like any piece of art you don’t want to, and there are a few possibilities:

I applaud your confidence, and I suppose you might be right that they’re puffing up the situation, though I’ve never done makeup effects (or any makeup at all, for that matter) myself. That said, you’d have to take up your point with the head of makeup effects department:

I wonder if the beer industry folks might take some umbrage at the “if you’re relying on scores for your wine purchases, buy beer” line, even as beer consumption is (arguably) a lot more casual. I wonder if they see something like Beer Advocate in the same vein.

This person must’ve been awfully confused by the Office episode starring Amy Adams.

J. Walter Weatherman: “And that’s why you don’t vote for Jill Stein!”

Ah shit are we out of humpback whales already?

Yea it’s kind of amazing: apparently a guy (who just started commenting on Tuesday night) watched a show he didn’t like, found a recap he didn’t like of the show he didn’t like, then found another recap of the show he didn’t like, and circled back to comment on the recap he didn’t like. Best of luck to him.

I’m sorry you haven’t enjoyed the show so far, though good for you for sticking with it through 3 hours so far I suppose. I’ve found it to be intense, though of course in a quieter, more simmering way than, say, dragons torching armies. That said, you seem unfamiliar with the AVClub - it’s common for writers to add

I’m probably not the first to mention this, but this show SOUNDS amazing. I can see myself going back just to listen to the diegetic sound: the driving music, the cringingly conspicuous writing during the funeral as if the victim’s family is about to turn around and look at her, the wind and chimes, the whispers, and

Wait so then who was floating in the water? Is Dolores just going to give lug him to the Valley and give him a burial at sea?

The most amusing part was Mr. “I’m going to be the next governor” visibly becoming more and more agitated as Morones kamikazed the segment, and Lauara Ingraham simply couldn’t let it go. Cox must’ve been so pumped to get this appearance, and couldn’t get a single word in *even after Moronoes got kicked off* because

Again? Indy 4 already jumped the Sharks

I’m a fan of those live Met opera broadcasts. Though I’m not an old lady myself, the demographic is pretty accurate (I’m usually of an outlier when I go). You bring up an important point, as the opera world is trying really hard to bring in a younger crowd. For me, I’m generally close enough that if I really wanted to

“Eat your mashed potatoes, you jackass” had me in tears.

Absolutely - it even sounds awful. Compare this teaser to the first teaser for the upcoming Star Wars movie: sequels/remakes of iconic action movies with famous John Williams scores and sound effects (everyone knows what a lightsaber and t-rex are supposed to sound like). You can enjoy the Last Jedi trailer simply for