
We watched about half the first season, and it had its moments, but the whole thing really felt like Breaking Bad-lite. Not least because it was a broadcast network show and so couldn’t really get too dark.

One of the aspects of this show that drives me nuts is, if the money they’re printing is so good that it fools machines and all the normal methods of detection, then WHY do they need to bother with laundering it, or converting it into real money?  Just spend it like regular cash!

The Joker strikes again!

Alex I was coming here to make sure someone had put HOUSE OF LEAVES up.

Clearly, it’s called “Dunc” because that’s a nickname for “Duncan,” and Duncan Idaho, as the only character who appears in every book of Herbert’s original series, is the true main character.

I hope Dune is long. Butt-numblingly long. Three trips to the bathroom long. I hope that its runtime is so long that even I can’t defend it.

Infinite Jest gets thrown around a lot like it’s some impossible read, but it’s really not—it’s got great characters, it’s funny, and doesn’t go out of its way to alienate readers like GR seems to.

Why are these supposed to be funny?

I understand there’s only so much you can cover in a busy NFL week, but I’m really disappointed not to see a shout out to K Harlan’s “I’m calling BOTH games!”  It was everything good about the NFL.  

I totally love this movie. I’m a totally devoted Star Wars fan who’s seen all nine of them in the theater when they first came out (starting when I was eleven), and The Rise of Skywalker was a perfect conclusion — it saved the “sequel trilogy” so it finally hangs together and makes sense, and, more important, it ties

+1 — it’s fairly obvious that this one was supposed to be about Leia turning her son, and it’s weird to see so much speculation about how much this director hated that director, rather than the actual factor that might have been a large reason this movie is all over the place!

OK, so, I am a bad guy for hating The Lat Jedi. Guessing I will be a fucking asshole for liking the latest one. Man you lot are *weird*. 

Are you repeatedly getting the title wrong on purpose? The fact no ones mentioned it yet leads me to suspect this might be a modern internet joke I haven’t been introduced to.

Yeah you can quote this bullshit all day and for the rest of your life if you want. Calorie restriction is the only proven method, time and time again. You can’t lose weight on 3000 calories of lean protein, complex carbs and olive oil if you’re a sedentary person. Never, ever, ever.

It’s really strange though, I’ve been to lots of different CF gyms all over the country, and I’ve really never run into the CF bro culture that people love to bring up. Every one has been super welcoming and filled with fun people, no matter what your fitness level is. The guy who just got his first pullup? Fuck

Maybe I’m being too generous to the article, but I didn’t read it quite like that. True, they did not do a deep dive into just how damaging and bad his “three bowls of oatmeal a day” habits became, or the anxiety and stress that can come from obsessing over micros/macros. But it reads to me as though he’s saying “this

This whole topic is complicated because I want to be (and try to be) compassionate about individuals with different genetics and body types. Obsessions over food and weight aren’t healthy. At the same time, people weren’t this overweight 50 years ago and I don’t think it’s the genetics that have changed. Would you be

Every year I host a commercial beer taste test party where no one in the party knows which beer is which. This year I wasn’t able to get Kirkland Light (just had the party and I couldn’t find it at costco) but last year I did and it won’t as the best tasting light beer. Also tested at the same time was Bud light, PBR,

Fun fact- here in MN, it’s against liquor laws to have a membership required to buy booze.  So your everyday schlub with no Costco membership can waltz into the Costco liquor store and buy to their heart’s content.  I didn’t realize this for years.  Might be worth looking into your local laws on that...

In a linguistic sense, yes. In a “WHY DO THEY DO THIS” sense, no.