
It ignores too that the entire third act skewers the concept of gender by having the misogynistic soldiers embrace their femininity in order to save the day. Mulan’s three friends all dress as women to fool the Huns while Mulan blows up their leader with a firecracker using the skills she learned dressing as a man. It’

Saved me the trouble of writing the exact same thing. Why do modern reviewers insist that every aspect of a piece of art is instructional and meant to be taken at face value?

“A Girl Worth Fighting For” is emphatically not anywhere near this writer’s description of the piece. Putting it in that context is like trying

The people that wrote this script are filled with hatred of Christians,Polish people,Germans,Women and God

That every show be perfect. That every show get renewed no matter how few people watch it. That every show cater to my very specific political leanings. That every show actively refuse to cater to the polar opposite of my political leanings, preferably with a title card at the beginning of every show.  And no

What do people expect for unlimited streaming at $9-12 a month or whatever it is now? Seems like a decent lineup...

I’d love a new Dune movie but the more Brian Herbert gets excited the more I get worried.

The first film will just be 200 minutes of Count Fenring hemming and hawing.

I don’t think there’s an AT character I don’t like, but I love Joshua and Margaret. They would probably also make the best AT spinoff, if that was ever going to happen.

“Get the hell outta there. That’s not a board game, it’s some sort of thing! It’s imitating a board game, it isn’t real! Get away, you idiots!” (wildly fires rifle from helicopter)

People are talking about “Peak TV” but what I worry is that we are hitting “Peak Board Game”. There are soooooo many out there (especially if you add all the Kickstarter games being funded) and, even if a neophyte like me could actually figure out what to play, it’s super hard to find people to play. Finding somebody


First twitter reply from that post:

“I grew up in the Dogme 95 generation. The culture was completely different back then. You could grab ‘em by the pussy as long as you used natural lighting and diagetic music”

Nice. I’ve just started The Crippled God, myself. Even as this final story arc starts to come into focus, the series maintains its style of epic fantasy: leaving me perpetually bewildered and feeling like I’m in over my head. I find it difficult to explain why I like this deliberate obfuscation; the closest I can come

“Hey JD, it’s me! Your cousin, Marvin Salinger! You know that new narrative voice you’ve been looking for? Well, listen to this!”

Yeah, I’m not sure it’s hubris. Coop’s mission was to destroy the evil (Judy). Laura is the key to that happening. Coop seems to understand more about Judy than has been let on previously (as evidenced by what Cole said), so he knows that he needs to bring her to confront Sarah Palmer, who is currently hosting Judy.

The more I think about it, the more a lot of the post-finale chatter bothers me, particularly the idea that Coop trying to save Laura is hubris on his part. Many people have said that it’s a symbol of trying to retrieve an irretrievable past, that it’s a symbol of Cooper’s—and by extension, the audience’s—refusal to

“Coop’s still going to be the white hat, standing up to assist people like the waitress at Judy’s”

I’d like to see the Venn diagram of people who claim the show took a nosedive in quality the instant they got ahead of Martin and people who claim the books took a nosedive in quality after A Storm of Swords. It’s really quite strange how all the disappointment in A Feast For Crows and (to a somewhat lesser, but still