I can’t be bothered to find the quote but it’s even more unsettling to know he’s admitted that the book explores a lot of what was going through his head at the time.
I can’t be bothered to find the quote but it’s even more unsettling to know he’s admitted that the book explores a lot of what was going through his head at the time.
We begin the magazine piece within a recording studio mise-en-scène
She’s pretty good in it, though her storyline gets repetitive by the third season.
Season 3 was very frustrating. The performances are all great, but as the review notes, they are consistently let down by the plotting. The tone is all over the place. It can’t figure out if it wants us to still be rooting for these three or not.
I don’t think it’s a great sign when your “apology” is disturbingly reminiscent of the last lines of dialogue from American Psycho:
I remember seeing this as a little kid. My older brother went through a phase where he watched a ton of classic films, this being one of them.
It is very good. Funny to imagine that he thought he’d be publicly shamed upon its release.
God Emperor is by far my favorite in the series. I read through all six for probably the fourth time a few years ago, and it stood out even more this time.
Is this what it is to get old? These kinds of stories and tweets are exhausting.
For some reason, I stalled out on the third one. I really would love to go back but I’ve had a hard time psyching myself up to dive back into the world.
I agree 100%. Its reputation causes people to bring their own baggage to it when they read it, in my opinion, such that it becomes worse in their mind than it really is.
I did read it as a teenager! I was 19. It rubbed me the wrong way even then.
Not a book I was forced to read as a teenager, but I absolutely loathe On the Road. Its idolization in pop culture annoys me.
To be fair, GR is one of the most famous post-modern novels of all time. It probably shouldn’t have been a surprise that the thing driving the plot wasn’t really the point of the book. That’s one of the defining traits of a post-modern novel.
Analyzing the movies and their plots based on their own merits, instead of basing it on your own preconceptions of each director? Where am I?
You also better really love Rose - otherwise you are another misogynistic redditor!
This is one of the most reasonable takes I’ve seen about both TLJ and TROS.
or you get the narcissistic borderline sociopath from Mindhunter.
The error is also driving me nuts, and it’s compounded by the fact that no one else seems to be noticing.