
BryndenBFish is a nice guy, but he's notorious for twisting any tiny piece of information into proof that TWOW is actually going to be released anytime soon.

You're totally right. Actually, let's just do that for every article ever written so that we only have to read or hear anything about any subject one time.

I wouldn't say it's a good movie, but my wife said it best when we watched it… you just can't look away. And I don't mean that in the crass T&A sense.

Still digging deeper into my obsession with ambient music.

It's not speeding up, you're just old.

The pizza bagels song. It's so stupid.

Resonance cascade?!

Did we know there's no Eddie before this? That kind of sucks.

I hate arguing over genres as much as anyone, but "art-emo" is a really strange way to describe Relationship of Command.

People shit on Hamm's and stuff like Schlitz but I don't see how it's any worse than Coors Light or Bud Light.

For me, FTL would be the inverse of this. As in, it took me a long time to give it a chance because it looks so plain and boring. All that text on the screen and such plain graphics.

Wow, I couldn't disagree more. I loved Machinarium. Its only problem was that it was far too short.

What do you think you're reading now?

Way too many pronouns and articles to pass for real Gibson prose. It's so oddly clipped, sometimes. I consider myself a huge fan but I routinely get irritated at his prose.

Oh come on, the guy can't help it. With a face like that there's no way he couldn't end up being a sniveling weasel.

That Gas record sounds very much up my alley. Can't get enough ambient-infused stuff lately.

I just watched Baby Jane for the first time too. Much darker than I was expecting. I got a kick out of the Edwin character and the fact that they bothered to explore his backstory.

It felt like Passengers really wanted to explore that darker territory, but the fact that it needed to be marketed as a weird combination sci-fi blockbuster/love story put a halt to that.

It is an exquisite, gorgeously sustained exercise in unintentional self-parody.

Yeah, but what about Sideshow Bob?