
Yeah, get a load of this guy. Writing about all the horrifying, formative experiences in his life without once even mentioning Sideshow Bob! Also, I need more Frasier stories please!!!

It was recorded from snapchat.

Jumper, with Hayden Christensen. My girlfriend (now wife) wanted to walk out. For some reason, I thought it would improve. I was wrong, and she married me anyway.

Was there any doubt that's how it would turn out? I had no interest in seeing it based on the previews alone.

Thanks for this recommendation, by the way. Exactly what I'm looking for.

I'm constantly on the lookout for instrumental / ambient music to listen to during work. Things with traditional lyrics and song structures seem to distract me too much.

It's unbelievable how great Untrue is. I listen to it at least a couple times a week when I'm working.

I think I've finally grown out of Bright Eyes/Oberst.

The power of advertising.

The point of the article is to read the article, wherein the actual source is directly linked.

Wizard and Glass first. Gunslinger second.

I can't disagree with either of you moreā€¦ nothing else of his comes close to the quality of prose in American Gods.

Most Star Wars fans actually really don't agree with that, I think. In fact, I've never spoken to anyone who felt the way you do.

This frisbee game is BANANAS.

Honest question - what are you talking about?

I don't really get all the complaints about Fallout 4. Certainly, the influence system and the choices open to you aren't up to New Vegas standards, but what is?

I had trouble with those tetris puzzles too. Just keep in mind that everything you need to know is contained in the logic of that puzzle and/or the ones leading up to it. Usually, each puzzle or new section is trying to teach you something new.

The eyes are very distracting.

Are you kidding me?

Yeah, I got the 'SO BE IT' ending on accident too. In every video game, I have this overwhelming urge to see if I can shoot the NPCs and if it will have an effect. Almost without thinking, I fired at the little boy when he literally first started explaining my choices and it went straight to that ending.