
This is the answer. Parents.

This guy's channel is pretty entertaining. He also did an episode on some of the drinks/food from It's Always Sunny.

I don't think people are looking for a smoking gun to turn his supporters against him. They're looking for proof of a scandal that would hopefully lead to more resignations and prosecution against other officials. All of which, eventually, would hopefully lead to Trump resigning or some other such thing.

Well, that's the whole point, right?

If you're going to worry about a company knowing where you live and adjusting its services accordingly, I think Spotify should be at the bottom of that list.

Oh, I agree with you. If there's any annoyance in the guy's expression, it's probably because he's thinking the same thing. I'm sure they talked about it afterwards like the married adults they are.

Sorry, he's obviously a secret serial killer. Judgment complete.

Oh please. The guy probably told his wife he was going to be on BBC, which is probably kind of a big deal for his career. I'm sure the kids managed to sneak away from her somehow and she realized it and was worried because she didn't want to ruin anything.

And you do know? We already know they didn't want any movies made.

Retcons and re-contextualization is one thing, but there's no way that justifies what Jackson did.

It’s arguable that just putting the original book onscreen wouldn’t have been what Tolkien wanted — that Jackson’s version is closer to Tolkien’s retroactive desires than the published book ever could be.

Just so I follow.

Absolutely not. There is no universe in which I'll believe that Tolkien would've wanted someone to try to turn the Hobbit into a LOTR retread.

Wow, I could not disagree with you more.

Euro Jurassic World, open for business! Who are you to refuse it, eh?

It is nitpicky of me to complain about the headline / labeling of this article?

Logic isn't exactly a strong point for a lot of racists and white supremacists.

I was hugely disappointed with Anomalisa.

I'm only going to complain about IPA-complainer complainers.

I've been very into Rye IPAs in general.