
I do agree with you. It's not like baseball where they have a comparatively huge payroll or anything like that.

I was actually about to do just that. The show has spent plenty of time talking about the logistics and reasons behind why Nootka Sound is desirable and all of the political implications.

They spill water all over the floor! Come on!

Remove the China tangent and the cell phone vision (and replace it with something not so stupid so they can still make their point about post-9/11 surveillance) and it's a better movie.

It seems like Rapaport would find a way to be equally offended if Aziz only dated women of color on his show. Right?

This was my reading of the movie as well.

If you only have a passing knowledge of 1984—or books in general—you may think Tiny Train World is a completely plausible phrase to appear in a world-famous piece of literature.

I'm just finishing up Memories of Ice, with House of Chains literally waiting on the table for me when I'm done.

Sing the Sorrow is a classic for me, but I think a lot of that does have to do with the fact that it came out when I was 16.

It's fine metalcore, but I'm confused at how this band is somehow well-respected and all the other metalcore bands I liked 5 years ago are not.

His "ain't I a stinker" routine got old about five years ago, for me.

It bothers me that Refn is constantly pegged as pretentious and empty just because he sticks to what is obviously a very specific vision.

I bought one of those Dragonsmilk 18oz bottles last week. I knew it was 12% but I reasoned that it was still less than two pints.

I know this is meant to be some kind of funny comment about how bad Four Loko is, but I don't really think it should have made you puke blood. Do you have serious health problems?

You joke but A Storm of Swords was released in 2000. Since then we've only gotten 1.5 books.

Sand Snakes and Dorne aside, I really don't think the writing quality on the show has dropped. It feels like people just think it's dropped, because they don't have the more complex plot of the book as a backdrop for what they're seeing on the show.

I'm extremely curious to hear which direction Brand New will go. The new songs they've released sound so generic. Knowing them, though, there's no telling if they'll even end up on the album.

I think the movie is great - it continues to hold up very well. After reading some of the specifics included in the book, I decided I have no interest in reading it. And that's coming from a massive Cormac McCarthy fan.

I've had the Dirty Bastard. Very good stuff.

Your suspension of disbelief is still intact with this show? Come on.