
The Fallout addiction has taken me over completely on Xbox One in the last two weeks.

The first movie was not good, but having just watched The Fall, I'll watch this now for Jamie Dornan and pretend that he is actually a serial killer the whole time.

They've tapped Ed Sheeran to play Feyd Rautha.

I think Lynch's version was doomed the moment he decided to try to capture the internal monologues from the book. It just doesn't work and really makes almost the whole film laughable.

No one has made a "pumpkin spice" must flow joke yet? Really?

I like your enthusiasm but I really don't think there's enough to make it a trilogy.

It's just selective breeding. There's no forced sterilization or anything like that. People deemed "unsuitable" for breeding just live out their lives and can even gain positions of power within the sisterhood.

I was with you until you said you'd recommend the film before the book.

I really don't want to see that, actually. It would be a waste of a director who's shown he is capable enough to bring his own vision, for one thing.

I agree!

It got down to -29 in Minnesota this weekend, which is truly absurd.

I agree with most of what you said. The difference is that I actually enjoyed STID. Sure, maybe most of the emotional stakes were just lifted straight from The Wrath of Khan, but at least it was something.

I'm still baffled at the reaction to Star Trek Beyond. It feels even more mindless and stupid-action oriented than Into Darkness, and yet the same people who reviled that film are the ones praising Beyond.

Do you like spirits in general? If you think brandy tasted like gasoline fumes, I can't imagine how you'd react to bourbon or scotch.

I don't really know what that means. It's hyped because it resonated with a lot of people.

I tried to watch the first episode but found it nearly intolerable - the slapstick humor and silliness felt very forced. It took me a bit to get into AT as well at first, but I just can't even get excited about trying to watch anymore SU.

The first season is more squarely in "kid's show" territory. Characters are simpler and things are generally more silly (in a different way than the later season silliness and absurdity), but that bizarre, creative undercurrent is still there.

"Jake the Brick" won an Emmy for short format animation. So at the very least it's appreciated by someoneā€¦

I like Cranston (of course) but I don't think he would've fit as Luthor in that movie.

no way they blow it, right?
