
Yes, he's played by Nestor Carbonell.

People are absolutely saying he's 100% dick. I hated Man of Steel and BvS certainly had its flaws, but I've always been a Snyder apologist. It bugs me how people project his perceived character flaws onto his movies.

Of course not. But that's what makes it science fiction - we all know it's not going to happen, but what if there was an alien language that could make it happen?

I loved it too.

I loved this movie, but I've never been a huge fan of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. There is a massive amount of brain activity - conscious and unconscious - that exists completely independent from language. Steven Pinker has some good writing on it.

Fair enough. It seems like I've seen and heard nothing but praise for it since it first popped up on my radar a number of years ago.

Did I stumble onto /r/books on accident? Yiddish Policeman's Union, one of the most critically acclaimed novels of the last ten years, an overlooked gem?

It's all just indicative of how racist and messed up most of the country still is. The news networks wouldn't have done that without the ratings (as you note), but the ratings wouldn't be there if people weren't actually behind what he was saying.

Grain Belt for life.

It's also a great opportunity for people to post their "all of this is literally liquid shit" comments and think they're somehow unique.

Coors Light is best in the exact context they show in the marketing - on the beach, at a cook-out, or something along those lines.

Schlitz is good.

Yeah but do you even own a TV?

High Life is decent.

The AV Club

trying-too-hard cynicism where any hint of praise must be hedged by some snickering remark

I get that. But you can't tell me there isn't something darkly hilarious about the 'pioneer' video.

You just answered your own question.

I certainly understand the appeal. It's still insane though.

I have to imagine that Instagram shamelessly ripping off the functionality (as they are wont to do) couldn't have helped Vine's long-term viability. Why have a separate app just for short, repeating videos when I have that in Instagram?

Granted, I'm only at the end of the second book, but I've never felt like it was too much.