
I was in Chicago for work and went to a place called Villains with lots of beers on tap. Decent food and great beer.

I've had it - it's very good. Absurdly expensive, as I'm sure you know, but it's strong enough that one'll do ya just fine.

I recently bought a few pairs of the "short short" running shorts - they come to about mid-thigh. I really like them for jogging and working out with kettlebells. It feels good to have my knees be unrestricted.

Replace Haligh with Something Vague, IMO

Apart from listening to early Bright Eyes for the nostalgia factor, I have a hard time listening to any Oberst albums. It all feels so juvenile, like I've grown up and he hasn't (even though he's much older than me).

I picked up Gardens of the Moon again a few months ago after failing at my first attempt, and absolutely devoured it this time around. I'm already more than halfway through Deadhouse Gates and I'm loving this one too. Trying to appreciate the feeling of having thousands of pages ahead of me in this series - it's a

Wizard and Glass is nearly perfect, though it seems people either love it or hate it. Actually, most of the books in the series are that way.

I was even more impressed with God Emperor on my last read-through (just finished Chapterhouse a few months ago).

Let's not get crazy.

I'm not one to root against the Patriots normally (I can't stand the 'cheatriots' narrative), but yes, that would be awesome.

I guess I don't mean easy. And of course, in the NFL, any team has a chance to win any game.

That guy in the Vikings ESPN statistic is literally walking like a zombie. What on earth?

I got sucked back into Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. I shouldn't back back because I never really played much CS:GO, but I played Source and 1.6 for hours and hours way back in the day.

This movie holds up well.

I like Wild Turkey, but I've found that the 101 really is too strong. I make my drinks very strong as it is, and when I use the 55% stuff in my normal proportions in a drink, it puts me on my ass way too quickly.

Unless I'm missing something, that's a terrible deal for the LaCroix, right?

Most of the episodes are on Hulu.

Most of my favorite episodes are from season 6, which is after she left, right?

To be fair, the reviewer only watched the pilot episode for this review.

I really didn't care for that one.