
I agree about the plotting… the show is always hilarious, and I love the characters, but there are quite a few plot arcs that make me roll my eyes because of how contrived and ultimately predictable they are.

There's definitely some similarities between the two characters, but Jake Johnson's style of humor is a lot different than Charlie Day's.

You mean there are similarities between a character and another character that's meant to parody him? Outrageous!

I hope the video player continues to work like shit and randomly fail anytime I try to skip ahead.

Hamlet with tennis

Yeah.. it sounds insufferable, actually.

Speaking of Equilibrium, I tried watching that for the first time since I was 16 or 17 and I couldn't make it past the first 10 minutes. Nothing about it holds up well.

I asked that because you kept changing your reasons for disagreeing with Kaep. At a certain point, I began to wonder if you actually thought there was a right way to protest at all.

Not at all. But it seems like you don't even know what your problem is with the whole thing, except that you don't like it.

Kaepernick is also donating $1 million of his salary to charity:

OK… then what would you have Kaep do?

This happened literally as a direct result of his protest:

Right. It's also the same kinds of people complaining about "PC culture" and how you're "not allowed to say anything" these days.

It's meant to be a statement, though. If he just said it randomly in some press conference, it wouldn't have the same power (obviously).

Right… I don't expect everyone to be happy that Kaepernick isn't standing for the national anthem.

Hey, I'm famous!

One of those better things to do is apparently comment on a show that you ostensibly don't care about? OK.

You just described 95% of latter day AV Club comments.

I think of this book every time I see the ISBN barcode on any book.

I agree. "Don't have sex with an unconscious person" is not a hard concept to grasp.