
Midnight in Paris was honestly terrible. The Hemingway character was amusing, but the rest of it was so grating and trite.

I've been sticking with this prediction for a while now, as well.


Just saw the preview for this before Green Room. The farting boner corpse description comes nowhere close to capturing how truly bizarre it looks.

That was my assumption as well.

There's a name for that, actually. It's called an "adaptation," and it's what this show is.

You mean three minutes of a plotline that we don't know anything about? How terrible!

I think this episode shows that he won't be able to magically make everything work to his advantage for long now that he is the one playing the political game instead of his father.

He is literally telling people to sign up for a product. Absolutely it's advertising.

I guess it's true that's what the book does, but that's not why it's the weakest in my opinion.

After my most recent re-read (it had been many, many years), I do agree with you that it's probably the weakest of the series (Brian Herbert garbage books obviously not included).

I seem to recall he hits the depression/anxiety stuff pretty hard early on. There's some later passages that are nothing but pure joy, though.

Even when you think you are prepared for the darkness of McCarthy, he always manages to surprise.

As I understand it (also supplemented with some quick google searching), it was a combination of the Emperor being concerned that the Atreides would overtake him in popularity and power and also needing to maintain a corrupt family on Arrakis (what with the Atreides being known as very honorable).

I can't imagine anyone would have the balls to ever do another Game of Thrones adaptation, but if they did, there is literally no one who could ever come close to matching Dinklage as Tyrion.

We don't know that they're keeping the character as 'Kusanagi' specifically, so my point is that we also don't know if the character is "meant" to be asian.

Well, that's a different issue than saying that they're whitewashing a specifically Asian role.

When it comes to anime/manga adaptations, I've really changed my tune recently.

It's clear to me that Converge is an amazing band, and I would definitely say that I "like" them, but I don't think I've ever listened to an album all the way through.

After a few years of reflection, I've come to realize that I really didn't care for ADWD. I just cannot bring myself to give a shit about potentially fake Targaryens or Blackfyres or whatever the hell, and if that's what the last two books are going to bring me, I'd just as soon pass.