
I've never both hated and loved a book series so much (even more than ASOIAF).

Why the Tower gotta be Dark, man?

Congratulations! You win something, for some reason.

re: point 2, how was the film pretending to be anything like that? Are you one of those who can't handle a little sci-fi unless you know about it beforehand?

Following better than Interstellar, Insomnia, and TDKR?

That's the part of this movie that sticks in my mind. He says he's never sure whether he'll be the transported man or the man in the box. The truth is that he's both, every time.

Well, it's very clever because it references both the twin AND the fact that Jackman's version of the trick also involves the double being killed (just like the bird).

That's certainly a fair criticism, even if I disagree. I dislike the name-calling as it doesn't really feel like it's based on anything in the actual film, but I appreciate you've backed it up with some specifics.

Accusations that he is aping Malick seem reasonable enough, but I really think the fratboy/jock insults are completely baseless.


This was a great film. It could've been 15-20 minutes shorter, but I enjoyed it.

I agree. He's got that weird thing with his voice where it always sounds like he's trying to make it sound deeper than it really is.

Because every AV Club comment these days has to be about how the article in question somehow makes it clear that the editorial direction of the site is going downhill or some stupid bullshit like that.

No. The first movie is terrible, and I say that as someone who defended the first Transformers film as fairly decent mindless entertainment.

I hadn't seen it in years, but I saw the first half hour or so just the other week. It struck me how absurd it is that Williams is supposed to be the sympathetic character when he literally trashes the house for the birthday party in the beginning.

So… no one has mentioned the Prius commercial with the Sobotka family? Really?

I tried the Wild Turkey 101, and though I never thought I'd say this, I think it's just too much.

I don't mind episodes like that every once in a while. I like when they balance the continuity/mythology episodes with silly stand-alone episodes.

I'm finishing up the DLC areas of Dark Souls 2 and then need to finish the final boss I think. Hit a real annoying area (Iron Passage) that leads up to Blue Smelter Demon.

I was going to say who even uses left shift, but apparently I use both depending on which letter I'm typing.