
I told myself 2015 would be the year that I finally read Gravity's Rainbow, and while I got further than the last try (and the last try before that), I eventually gave up again. I'll read it one day. At the very least I'm catching a lot in the first couple hundred pages.

I'm glad that movie exists and I'll never complain about thoughtful sci-fi films, but I was a little disappointed.

It absolutely does not. If you're expecting it to feel as well-designed and for that controls to feel as tight as the original Super Mario Bros, you'll be sorely disappointed.

I'm going to keep dancing to "Ignition (Remix)" because it's a fucking awesome song. Thanks.

How did you feel about Valhalla Rising?

There is no chance that Best Director goes to anyone but Miller or Iñárritu.

So we still don't know if The Neon Demon is the same film as I Walk With the Dead or if they're different, right?

It makes a lot more sense with that in mind. Specifically as to why no one can ever do anything to Chang - no bullets hit him, Gosling can't land a single punch, etc.

Even though so many people like Drive, I feel like Refn is just an easy target.

It's got an amazing score by Cliff Martinez. Not a "soundtrack" in the same sense as Drive, but I listen to it fairly often at work.

I always forget about Bronson.

He literally does not land a single punch against him.

I'm having a hard time tracking down a decent copy of any of them.

Don't use your affinity for Drive as any indication that you'll like this movie. This is not another art/action hybrid film - it's only the former.

If you've seen Valhalla Rising then you'll realize that the truly unexpected film from Refn isn't this one, but Drive. If the latter is all you know of him, this would certainly be unexpected but it's actually perfectly in line with his sensibilities.

The people who insist on shitting on D&D and complaining about the books being dumbed down for the show are the reason that I'm basically hoping they'll all be crushed when TWOW never gets released.

I think those lines work just fine when you take Vaughn's character into account. He's trying very hard throughout most of the season to be a certain kind of person, and the lines reflect that even if they are somewhat cringeworthy.

I stand by my prediction that the series will never be finished and that TWOW will not be released in 2016. If it gets released at all I will be shocked.

This sentiment makes no sense to me because Spectre sounds a lot like most of KOL.

Tacoma will be a day-one purchase for me.