
I just find the agonies he goes through trying to write more compelling than most of what's been on the show lately.

Yes! If you like him I definitely recommend watching the episode. It's a standalone episode without any ties to the overall mythology.

S7E04 - "Millenium" - Pretty good. I have no background on Millenium and it felt a bit like not much happened in the episode but I liked Henriksen. Also Mulder and Scully kiss. Grade: B

For some reason I had been operating under the assumption that The X-Files wasn't coming back until June, so when I found out it actually airs at the end of January I figured the wife and I should get into gear about finishing it (if at least to have all the plot info).

It can't possibly have been Kylo who brainwashed and abandoned her on Jakku - aren't they fairly close to the same age? I get the impression that Kylo is no older than like 20 or 21.

Wow, couldn't disagree more about the CGI characters.

Bands who actually refer to themselves as 'Christian rock' are usually terrible, but bands who just happen to be very obviously Christian aren't necessarily bad.

I can't believe that wasn't the first song I thought of… so, so great.

"Jesus Christ Was An Only Child" is very much not a pro-Jesus song, right?

It's worth watching for him alone.

There needs to be a name for that phenomenon - when all you ever hear about an outrage is people reacting to it?


I respect your opinion, but everything you listed was intentional and I loved it.

When Donovan's character feigns like he's dropping his gun and then immediately shoots all four occupants of that car in one fell swoop… that was so fucking awesome.

It's just not up to par compared to the Onion and Clickhole. I'm also not convinced that the style of humor it's going for is different enough from Clickhole to justify its existence.

Have you read Star Wipe? That's basically their mission statement.

The fantasy world of the Dark Tower would allow them to hand-wave any oddness with Roland being black, in my opinion.

Dude, that's such a great idea.

I feel you, but it might add an interesting layer to have Roland be black and come from a level of the tower where that kind of discrimination never existed.

Trump is Poe's Law in human form.