
I didn't turn against the barrel sequence because it departed from the LOTR tone - I turned against it because it was fucking stupid.

Wow, I couldn't disagree more. The whole problem with Jackson being brought in is that he apparently was unable to allow The Hobbit to exist as it is - a fairly lighthearted fantasy story.

I don't really care how much CGI a film has as long as it looks good. Everything about the Hobbit looked awful to me - the color palette, the art direction, and most especially the digital effects work.

Something about Kumail's voice is so soothing. I could listen to him read just about anything, but I'd prefer additional lines as Prismo.

Is it really taunting if the Titans player is the one who approached Cam? It's not like Cam got into his face first.

First one should be:

Slave I for sure, and not just because I love Boba Fett just as much now as I did when I was 11. It's a really awesome, unique design for a ship.

I'm a huge Vikings fan and it's always been tough to dislike Rodgers. He seems like a great guy and his talent is undeniable.

I'm going to go out on a limb and defend something everyone hates - its reputation is not nearly as bad as everyone says.

One of my favorite parts of KOTOR2 is when Atton asks you what color you chose for your lightsaber… if you say you chose red, he says something like, "Hey, great - maybe you and that Sith Lord can have a party when we're all dead."

Ashley is an alcoholic racist?

Great article! Not much to say except that I enjoyed reading every bit of it. The anxiety dream/space Hitler line made me laugh.

I'd be very interested to honestly see someone attempt to list out 3 good things for every bad thing in the prequels. With the caveat that the good things have to also be from the prequels - no loopholes here.

This is a joke, right?

This is one of the more civil comments in the whole lot, and yet you're acting like you're talking to some mindless internet troll. His dismissal of your reasoning is no worse than your dismissal of an imaginary group of SW fans in the article - why do you have to end up acting smug?

I don't think Jesse was trolling or writing a clickbait article. That being said, these FOC articles have a history of being generally contrarian, which to be fair, makes sense. Who's going to read yet another article talking about how bad the prequels are? Actually, now that I write that out, I'm not so sure.

Yeah but… visual splendor!

Was he really meant to be unlikable? If so, that feels like a massive misstep. It would've been much more interesting if we had started to actually like Anakin, even sympathize with his anger. Instead, no, he's insufferable from the the word go, so we end up missing out on a great villain (like Vader) and a

I really liked Enemy. I still don't really think I understand it, but it was very well made.