
That is a major difference between C3PO and Jar-Jar.

I gave it a fair chance. It still sucks.

I agree that there are some good moments in the prequels. The lightsaber dueling is generally superior, with the 'Duel of the Fates' being the obvious highlight. You'll never convince me that the Dooku/Yoda fight is anything but absolutely awful, though. Obi-wan's trip to Kamino is a nice little side plot, though I

John - please continue picking against the Vikings / eggplants. They have won four in a row and I'm fairly certain you've picked against them in every single game. We appreciate your commitment.

Infinite felt like a setting desperately in need of a plot. It felt so pleased with itself for its world building and quantum mechanics based storylines and game mechanics but I still don't really feel like anything actually happened in the game.

The fact that someone worked on martha Marcy May Marlene is a deal breaker for you? Your tastes must literally be the exact opposite of mine.

Hey, has anyone else fundamentally misunderstood the premise of this article?

I found myself playing through Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite mostly just to get to the endings, which both received absurd amounts of praise.

Up until recently I hadn't really ever given up on a book. Then this summer I finally gave up on The Savage Detectives even though I loved 2666. At a certain point I just realized I wasn't even enjoying the time I was putting into it and decided enough was enough.

Well, it's a great game, but I don't think anyone could argue that the loading stuff wasn't annoying.

Thank you for correcting me.

OK, but that doesn't mean we have to then forcibly make every conversation about gaming (or Gone Girl) about those people just by bringing them up. That's my point.

I am tempted to buy this on principle alone. We need more games like this.

No, because 9/11 is obviously a major part of the WTC's history.

Interesting that Rachel McAdams is in this, because she was also in another recent film about journalists (State of Play), though that one was unintentionally dated.

It's just such well-trod ground at this point. I'm sure they're likely to show up but I don't think we need to immediately direct the conversation in that direction.

Can we just not? I'd like to have a conversation about video games that doesn't involve ** for once.

Tentacle rape credit sequence, you say?


At least half of these entries are terrible, terrible ideas.