
I've always wanted to read V., especially since Thrice put out their album Vheissu in 2005. And that was even before I had read anything else by Pynchon.

Impressive that you made it halfway before giving up. I'm on my third attempt and just got past page 100.

I'm loving this album so far. Sunbather is still in regular rotation after two years.

I'm always a little disappointed that the business in the space next door in the opening isn't present during the episode.

Replying months later to say hell no.

Teti's opinion is the one we can most afford NOT to lose.

John, I was really hoping you would highlight when the referee during the Cowboys/Giants game got royally pissed off at the person operating the game clock.

At least the Vikings' uniforms are purple again. In the late 2000s they were more blue than purple.

I admit I found those commercials funny. My wife and I were just talking about how likable and funny he is, and then all this 9/11 bullshit came to light.

There's also that episode where Archer straight up wonders what time period they're even in, what with all the retro-futuristic gadgets right alongside normal, modern day gadgets.

Cabin in the Woods is one gigantic lampshade.

I always understood lampshading as a subtle acknowledgement of what's obviously a trope or plot device, not necessarily specifically relating to a plot hole.

He's obviously a really smart guy, and his work speaks for itself, but he definitely comes across as extremely arrogant.

My thoughts exactly. Not good.

Right. Not to mention the fact that the interview is from 2009.

I still remember watching my older brother play this level for the very first time. We were momentarily confused at what that little corner block guy was for (the one that lets you run up walls). It's etched into my memory, just like when the same brother figured out how to get the secret ending on Cheese Bridge

Did you see her complete the course in 2014, though? As cliche as it sounds, it was legitimately inspiring, especially after seeing how many men failed.

It's easy to get into. I would challenge anyone to watch the episode with Kacy Catanzaro from last season and not get legitimately fired up.

I haven't seen Rugrats in a while, but I remember it being pretty good. I still remember some episodes pretty well. Plus, they had that one episode where they referenced Treasure of the Sierra Madre, so… it can't be all bad.

Wild and Crazy Kids or GTFO.