
Still waiting for someone to adequately explain what makes Southpark allegedly good and not awful.

It even inspired a poorly-designed item in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.

It sounds really interesting. Definitely reminded me of Refn, as well.

Hey look! The guy who has 42,000 AV Club comments is saying that his time is too valuable for this! And then he posted a comment anyway.

I assume it's decent voice-work then? Most dubs are nigh-unlistenable.

Oh for sure - once L was gone, it was more difficult to keep my interest. I find that 30+ episodes tends to feel like too much for most anime series.

I think we are arguing around the same point here. We should absolutely talk about the differences and how they affect the reaction. But we shouldn't pretend that there aren't very clear differences in the crimes themselves that lead (rightfully or not) to different reactions.

I didn't say that at all. I don't have a list of ways that the victim should or would be treated differently - only that they will be treated differently because they are by definition still alive.

Well, that's kind of a foregone conclusion, right? Of course we're going to treat a rape victim differently than a murder victim. The rape victim still exists and is around to tell her/his story. The murder victim is not.

It's not a tautology. He's exposing a stupid analogy.

I agree. I used that phrasing because it's what the other person used.

He's saying that it's fruitless to use an analogy that compares a drunk person murdering a drunk person with a drunk person raping a drunk person.

Why can't we do both? Isn't it important to bring to light both of them?

I hadn't heard of Tokyo Ghoul, Darker than Black, or Baccano - I will check those out.

I know it's really silly, but that article still is in the back of my mind anytime I read anything by D'Angelo.

Yeah, but like, don't you have to explain to your stupid family members that there's actually a camera filming these people?

I agree with you that iPads and other Apple products are generally overpriced, but iPhones are no more expensive than any other comparable smartphone.

What's the only thing more annoying than an Apple fanboy?

Excited for the NFL season to start as always. I enjoy watching the Patriots and am a noted apologist, even though I'm a Vikings fan.

Tree Trunks has grown on me. At the very least, you have to admit that it's hilarious when she eats the crystal apple and then promptly disappears.