
I always thought, because of the film The Breakup with Vince Vaughn, that the Second City nickname came from the fact that the city was "rebuilt from the ashes" after the great Chicago fire of 1871 - i.e. truly another city, reborn.

I'm with you - it's somehow become a cult horror film, but I thought it was absolutely ridiculous.

We might as well just append "no one ever asked for" to every single GJI headline.

If you feel that way then they might as well stop covering any pop culture with any violence or gun violence in it whatsoever.

Agreed - Hopkins' Hannibal just doesn't do it for me anymore after seeing Mads in the role for so long.

For a second, I was like, hey, this guy's stealing Spielbergo's twitter joke!

He's obviously way too smart to have a step that consists of question marks.

You really want people to know you don't care for this album, huh?

I don't say this to disparage the game, but it's short. Like, it'll only take you twenty minutes or so. Just so you know.

The Gun Mettle update sucked me back into Team Fortress 2 after being off the stuff for close to two or three years.

Surprise! You tried to do something nice, and now you're being punished.

Sorry, we don't like actual analysis - we prefer easy sound bites that translate easily into headlines.

That's a solid reading. One of the other great things about the movie is that it does everything you just said and at the same time it's having a great time just mashing up tons of tropes and homages.

The learning curve on MOBA game is absurd. It's still really surprising to me that they've taken off the way they have considering how difficult they are for beginners.

AFFC is really great. ADWD not so much.

When I was reading 2666 people had told me that Savage Detectives would've been a better place to start, but I think I disagree with that now.

I've been stuck on The Savage Detectives for months. I really have loved some parts of it, but about half of it has felt like a real slog (especially since I've gotten to the polyphonic narrator section).

Mulholland Drive feels like more of a horror film than Cabin in the Woods, to me. Certainly, Cabin "counts" because it's about</i.>

The really dumb thing is that the people following this guy don't give a shit about where the jokes are coming from. He could've avoided all of this by taking two seconds to credit the people whose jokes he's reposting.

No. No. No.