
I absolutely agree. Hopkins' Hannibal is "legendary" at this point, but I don't know that I can take it seriously after seeing Mads in the role.

Fuller definitely used that term in the feature he did for AV Club on season two of Hannibal - it stuck out to me when I read it (obviously).

I normally hate mash-ups that exist for their own sake, but this one is really well done. Not to mention the fact that Mad Max and Adventure Time have much more in common thematically than you might expect.

It looks gorgeous but for some reason I'm having a hard time getting excited for the plot.

That line sounds exactly like the kind of thing that Frank thinks the guy he's trying to be would say.

That is fair. I'm willing to forgive it because it gave us the water/desert/forest motif at the end.

Counterpoint: a growing majority of Chipotle employees don't know what the fuck they're doing. If they skimp on my white rice, you can bet your ass I'm going to tell them to put more on.

In thinking back on season one, which I've watched twice now, I think the direction, acting, and supernatural elements really elevated the season above what it had much right to be.

Ani makes a comment at the end that things played out "over the next year" if you knew where to look, which leads me to believe it was about a year later when Ani was telling her story to the reporter.

I think Ray gave up trying to really get away as soon as he saw the tail (and knew about the tracker) - he was more concerned with NOT leading them to Ani, and with getting that last message to his son.

Yes, that is the joke.

I think it's kind of fitting because for being such a genius who was so huge in the academic world (not to mention the world of elite athletes), his writing has always made it clear that he hated that idea of judging people based on appearance or perceived class or whatever.

Please, tell me more about Pizzolatto's personality and intentions. You seem to have a really good grasp on them by analyzing a piece of art he created.

No it's obviously Pizzolatto just trying to be a real cool guy and show everyone that he totally knows what it's like to do drugs.

Now I feel stupid for being a dick about it…

Danny Bensi's score for Enemy is also really good.

I'd bet anything that Star Wars will edge out Titanic and Avatar both.

Yes, truly, the AV Club is a safe haven of good tastes and smart people, completely beyond indictment for any reason.

At least don't post blatantly incorrect information…

If you think Minecraft is "dead," just talk to anyone under the age of 14. It's a damn institution for kids these days.