
So now it's not just the commenters who don't read the article, but the staff writers as well?

You're over a week late, Internet!

Of all things, why are people so obsessed with how soon celebrity obituaries are posted? I swear there's a very specific subset of commenters who do nothing but wait on celebs to die and then immediately set a timer for how long it is until AV Club posts an obit (or worse, DOESN'T).

I hate to be that guy (actually, I really enjoy being that guy), but it's called "The Owls Are Not What They Seem," not "The Owls Are Now What They Seem."

Ted Cruz has the most punchable face and it's not even close.

FTL is really good. It's in that "roguelike" mold, so each playthrough will be different and it doesn't require a time commitment quite like game with a single player campaign would.

I'm fairly certain that the Coen films where Joel is solely credited as director were done out of simplicity. I think I read that they had them credited that way because it was just easier (i.e. Joel as director and Ethan as writer), when really they always have split the efforts.

I'm commenting two years late to thank you for reminding me about the new timeline being different.

Film might look better, but that doesn't mean digital looks bad.

Film might look better, but that doesn't mean digital looks bad.

Yes, this thing that could easily happen in real life is just lazy writing. They should stick to the thing that's not realistic for the sake of good writing.

That sentence alone is why I can't stand most of the criticism on this season.

Yeah it feels absurd to compare every action setpiece against that and say "well it didn't quite have the same impact…"

This criticism seems really misplaced - that was an incredibly well-directed action sequence. We have a very clear sense of where everyone is at all times, and the intensity just keeps growing and growing over the course of the scene.

Cryptonomicon was the first Stephenson I read, and I absolutely loved it. It's enormous but I think I finished the last half in just a few days.

Doubling down on the GOP references. Nice.

Yes, it was way cooler when I thought it was pronounced "dam-fair".

Haven't had time to watch the video yet, but sounds like fun. I spent an unnatural amount of time playing Minecraft, so practically infinite worlds with resource collection are right up my alley.

Well mine is about that but a lot of my comments came before upvotes were even a thing.

I don't know, but absent any other evidence at all I don't think it's anything to put much stock in.