
Season one did take a while to get going, and it had a fair amount of generic "cop work" too. When people remember season one I think they are generally remembering some of the really amazing set pieces and they forget that it took a fair amount of time to get going as well.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she also specifically said it was NOT Louis after that all came out.

Has anyone actually come forward and specifically accused Louis? I read about this a fair amount a couple of months ago and I wasn't able to find anyone who actually went on record saying it was him.

The Killing is not a bad show.

This is the equivalent of knowing who the first president of the US was for Simpsons nerds.

Seeā€¦ now this is funny. Just replace the article with this.

Because Alex McCown wrote this article and he doesn't know how to write without mocking in a really unfunny way.

Did you really link to Avengers 2 as an example of a movie that filmed for a long time? Isn't that exactly his point, that The Graduate it was a low budget film that filmed for a long time?

Also Blackfyres, merlings, Benjen, Daario, and Euron.

I'm treating it the same as always - avoid the default subreddits and stick to the specialized ones where people are generally pretty cool.

Can't wait to check out seveneves. I've always been a huge Stephenson fan.

I just finished Gurren Lagann last week - loved it.

This is the kind of bullshit criticism I can't stand. If you have a problem with the monologue, by all means, express that. But it's so petty to bring Pizzolatto into it like that because you have no fucking idea what he's thinking or actually attempting.

No, there's definitely nothing else to it. Let's judge that arc after two episodes.

The backlash is strong.

It wasn't sympathetic in season one?

As someone else mentioned, Ventura really wasn't bad as a governor.

I'm seriously starting to wonder if he's a double agent or something. There's no way he's really that dumb. Plus, all those contributions to the Democratic party.

Doesn't the contract say that the "Publication" has to give written consent for FEI to use the photos in 'non-commercial' contexts?

DAE think GRRM subverts tropes?