
"Read why this tertiary character is actually the member of a secret family that I only know about because I've read AWOIAF seventeen times! This is going to have a HUGE impact on the plot!"

The way he repeats 'mutilations' is so hilarious.

He so eagerly decides they're ghouls, I love it.

They're obviously just trying to appeal to what they think their demographic wants.

Dress code at my job is pretty much just no sandals. You can wear shorts during the summer.

I like to think this headline is saying that the quality of Culkin's performance will change directly based on how many people see the movie.

That was really only part of the backlash. For whatever reason, this show just struck a nerve with some people and they felt the need to get so petty - "oh, it's not THAT good and it's not even that CLEVER it just thinks it is and it's like a reddit atheist…"

Or you could just… give it a chance anyway? This is only a review for three episodes of the show. It's also just one opinion.

That would make a lot of sense.

There's just no way.

Agreed. I'm just as hesitant with A grades when only a few episodes have been watched for review.

I'm not saying those accounts aren't shit. I just think GJI is also shit - half the articles are just brief summaries of things that happened/were posted on reddit.

Speaking of peak irony - an AV Club article decrying the use of "dumb and poorly executed memes" while Great Job Internet still exists.

I agree with that. I don't really want to see both Stark girls become turn to violence for empowerment.

Gandalf the Grey died and came back as Gandalf the White. Saruman was already Saruman the White.

Really? I thought the plot was a very clear allusion to stuxnet. Different source for the virus, obviously, but the plot felt "modern" enough to me.

It's been a while since I watched it, but Collateral feels much tighter. Heat definitely feels like it's three hours long.

I really enjoyed it. It's nothing ground-breaking, but if you like Mann and Chris Hemsworth, I recommend it.

Never heard of it.