
That was awesome. A really great episode - as a book reader I tend to get so excited about seeing something played out on screen or just to see how my wife will react, but it was so awesome to just get swept away by the show again like it was before I read the books.

Anne Hathaway masturbatory-reflex deep?

Look - I'll admit to listening to plenty of Senses Fail when I was 17, but they're not the first band that comes to mind when I think of post-hardcore…

Nah, bro - that bowl just kicked your body up to the next level. It's working at 100% efficiency.

*eye roll*

I'm still nearly 100% certain that Stoneheart is going to show up. It's just too dramatic and pulpy for them to resist, and frankly they need all the exciting material they can get (lord knows GRRM didn't give them much to work with in book 5).

Nice - that is a good one.

It's a really good read. Discussing this show is starting to get really frustrating - we've got so many different viewpoints at play and yet everyone lumps them together.

Why do these look like they could be character photos from the new Tommy Wiseau movie?

I give your joke a C-

As long as you accept that it has nothing in common with the novel beyond the title, it is a decent movie. Worth watching on Netflix on a Sunday afternoon or something.

Now You See Third Person Gender-Neutral Pronoun

I said consummate V's!! Consummate!!

Your movie has a problem if only reason the twist is surprising is because everyone already thought of it and then decided, no, it couldn't be that because that's way too obvious.

That is also the exact title suggested in the article.

I know it suffered an epic fall from the heights it reached in the early seasons, but Dexter was still a fine show for binge watching something completely mindless and over the top.

This is fallacious, "good old days" thinking and it's total bullshit.

*j/o motion*

He's talking more about how Hollywood has changed gears, more than anything.

That's exactly why it's ridiculous to have people put their phone in a bag.