
The slowness of these seasons is different than the slowness of season one and two, and a lot of it is just because of how the books have spiraled out more and more (both literally and figuratively).

At this point I will be more surprised if GRRM actually finishes the books (hell, the NEXT book) than if he doesn't.

Need to listen to more Envy, but I still really enjoy their split with Thursday (also some of Thursday's better work).

You really dropped the ball by not asking this 'expert witness' to SPILL. THEIR. GUTS.

It really only seems heavy-handed to someone who has read the books, though. Even then, I didn't figure out R+L=J on my own - without having read that theory I don't know that I would've caught onto that scene.

"A Targaryen alone in the world… is a horrible thing."

Yeah, but bro, there's like, totally boobs and stuff in them. And they're real violent! That's mature!

I bought FTL recently as well, and I'm already hopeless addicted.

Some of those Rebirth challenges (aka anything where you're blindedfoled) are brutal. So glad I never have to deal with those again.

I just don't see why the fact that it's game without a premise is inherently bad.

I'm not really sure of the point you're trying to make about Minecraft, but if I had kids I'd be much more inclined to let them spend 4 hours in Minecraft trying to figure out how to get their redstone door machine to work rather than feel a "rush" from direct multiplayer competition.

That's still "cheating" - presumably he gets away with it sometimes and that results in him playing with a ball that falls outside the legal range.

Intense competitive drive? I'm not saying it makes sense, but the fact that they tried to deflate the balls in itself does not logically mean it had a tangible effect on the game.

If the deflated balls are so effective then why weren't the Patriots 16-0 again?

To be frank, no, I really don't think that would affect the outcome of a close game. If something that trivial could make such a big difference, then I think everyone would be trying it (and they probably were - as I mentioned elsewhere, Rodgers has said he likes to over-inflate balls).

If you honestly think they made it to the SB by cheating, you're insane.

It still bugs me that Rodgers admitted he tries to over-inflate balls and see if he can sneak them past the refs and yet no one gives a shit about that. If this is such a huge deal, why wasn't there a commissioned report on that?

Yes, exactly. We're still talking about this, and yet people have already generally forgotten about the Adrian Peterson thing. Or at the very least, it shows every sign of being pretty much in the past, which is messed up.

The cave scene just needed an extra line or two of expository dialogue - the one we got was really quick and it was hard to catch.

Stickerbrush Symphony all the way.