
If you have Spotify, both of the Hotline Miami soundtracks are pretty easy to find - people have created playlists for both. They are amazing for running/working out.

Hey, friend. We're all just here to have a good time. Take it easy.

I generally tend to dismiss things which I have no way of verifying are true, regardless of whether they're working towards a good cause or not.

Yeah, I watched it again recently and she's instantly recognizable even as a child.

Geology puns? Really?

Also that he's under 21, right?

You… weren't fond of L? He was my favorite character by far.

Yeah, I was very disappointed in the female characters too. I was so hopeful that Naomi Misora would do something interesting.

I mean… that's really annoying too.

I generally can't stand them either, though I spent a lot of time watching a guy named Bisnap play The Binding of Isaac. It's a great game for Let's Plays because of its procedural nature - it's nearly as exciting as playing yourself because most of the fun in BOI comes from seeing what items you'll get that run.

Don't let anyone fool you, it's horrible.

Tuna, no.

I prefer the generic brand mac and cheese, for some reason.

*cuts back from news clip to Stewart with a funny face*

Sweet, I always wanted a place where I could go to see what fake mistakes people are writing on their Starbucks cups these days.

That's funny because Jigsaw is my favorite song on that album. I get goosebumps every time when Thom's vocals jump up an octave.

I have a very special hatred for House of Cards, for some reason. It just feels so generic.

So there are people who don't use incognito mode when doing their, ahem, incriminating searches?

The auto play setting is persistent across browser sessions.

Based on "behind the scenes" clips I've seen from various seasons, I think most of the establishing shots of landscapes and cities are composites.