
Every time you see a space between letters. Also any time you see punctuation.

I know you meant that as an insult, but it sounds pretty sweet.

Can we just… stop with the Justin Bieber girl jokes? It's the laziest joke of all time.

What's funny about the negative connotation is that they are actually similar in some ways - they both contain measures to keep massive corporations from fucking people over (e.g. regulations on pre-existing conditions for insurance companies in the case of Obamacare).

Yeah, fuck things that the government uses taxes to pay for!

Not necessarily, though multi-camera sitcoms tend to look "cheaper" to me (think Friends, Seinfeld, HIMYM versus Modern Family, Veep, Parks & Rec, etc.).

Re-vulcanize my tires, post-haste!

Except the record industry is still making a lot of money. Maybe not as much as before, but it's still not an insignificant amount.

I always assumed it was just a "general practice." Can't a record label release an album whenever they want?

Just ignore the score then?

It's amusing to me that the "yo dawg" meme came to represent "X within X" when that never really happened in the show. They just put shit inside cars, it was never shit inside other shit.

Ashamed I didn't even think of it.

The "other memory" from the books (I don't recall it being mentioned in the novels) is pretty straightforward mysticism. Also the reawakening of ghola's memories comes across as fairly magical was well.

Ilium was pretty good, introduced an interesting world (even if the literary references felt like a forced attempt to recapture that Hyperion magic). Olympos is FUCKING GARBAGE.

There's a LOT of manga/anime that's sci-fi with a lot of magical/mystical elements.

Where do you live that you're seeing hipsters wear fedoras?

I don't think many people could stomach a direct translation to the screen. It would have to be tackled by a director who can convey dread and violence without resorting to too much gore.

I've decided this is the year I tackle Gravity's Rainbow. What do you use to follow along with it for footnotes/annotations?

I started The Master and Margarita in December but stalled out over the next couple months (as I always do during the winter).

I think it's really great, but it's a book that people seem to love or hate. Gaiman's best by far, in my opinion.