
It's really interesting that Lot 49 and Inherent Vice feel similar in so many ways - lots of common themes and settings, and yet they were written more than 40 years apart.

That really puts it into perspective when all my wife does is make fun of me for liking something she thinks is stupid (like anime).

Basically, getting older sucks.

Yeah, man. HISTORY JUST CAME OUT LIKE 150 YEARS AGO. Do we really need another reboot? It's destroying Hollywood.

Did you play the original Isaac? Also, how many deaths are you at?

I personally just figured out how to actually play Smash Bros. I'm not one who's been playing it for 10+ years so it was just a mass of explosions and items for me that I literally could not comprehend at first.

Yeah, but isn't it so great to see the red outline around all the icons?

Why are we still posting these? Does no one understand that explaining the joke makes it less funny?

Yes! She also looks exactly like I imagined she would.

I saw this posted somewhere else, and I was struck by how tautological the headline was then too.

I mean… you kind of just described the Ocean's movies.

I also really hated the fact that they threw away all of Barney and Robin's development as a couple (as well as Barney's slow maturation) in just one episode.

She definitely brought some character to what could've been a very bland "rebellious teenager" role.

Unless they're with a parent, which is the whole point?

Need to read more Delillo. Cosmopolis was interesting but it made me roll my eyes so fucking hard.

Awesome movie, though.

I didn't notice the filter with Gone Girl so much as the fact that you can't FUCKING SEE ANYTHING for the first twenty minutes of the movie.

The halftime shows the last few years have been worth watching just for the outrageously elaborate productions It's really amazing how much work goes into them.

Look, I don't usually do this, but uh…

No Country For Old Men 2: Chigurh's Boogaloo