
You're definitely right. I've noticed there's a very high chance that if a movie bothers to make its computer interfaces and cell-phone shots look realistic that it's probably a pretty good movie.

Have you seen OGF? It makes the pacing in drive seem frenetic.

Is that what's going on in that scene? Psychic control?

He's very good at it. The violence in Refn's films is always extremely disturbing and hard to watch, which is how it should be.

I just found the hidden McBain link. You sly dog…

That story about Frank Herbert is mind-blowing.


I need to watch Hot Fuzz again. Just thinking of it is making me smile.

I don't think the internet is the kind of person you want to be hanging around. Just saying.

The headline is extremely condescending. Of course he watches lots of movies… should he not watch lots of movies if he's trying to be a director?

Nah, OGF started gaining a cult following almost immediately after release. I really like it, but it's more of a true art film than a hybrid-action film like Drive.

The negative buzz around this one reminds me of how people were talking about Only God Forgives, in that all the descriptions only made me want to see it more. And then I ended up liking that one, so…

You misread Cinemax as Skinemax, the latter of which is a colloquial name that people have used for Cinemax because of its content? And you were disappointed when you realized it actually just said Cinemax, even though they're the same thing?

If your uncle's problem with 12 Years a Slave was really that it was too violent, that's totally valid. Presumably he feels that way about other movies too.

Please, no thoughtful comments. We're only talking about how he totally looks like a girl.

I love how Justin Bieber apparently makes everyone return to acting like a middle school bully.

Hahaha, look at that stupid 20 year old kid who was an asshole because he got super famous and got millions of dollars at a young age!

If you write for the AV Club, you damn well better get your Simpsons references correct.

I actually like Snapchat, but I took one look at the new "discover" feature, quickly realized that it's basically just a new way to watch ads, and decided I'll never click on it ever again.

That's not in the headline, dumbass.