
Best case scenario is that it's just as good as one of the best sci-fi films of the last 20 years? I would be OK with that.

Nothing like "The Dead flag Blues" to make just about anything seem grim and post-apocalyptic.

We are trapped in the belly of this horrible machine, and the machine is investigating deflated footballs over catastrophic brain injury to its players.

This comment would've been topical about 15 years ago.

How does he keep up with the news like that?

Yes, everyone waves it all off as "totally fake" without any evidence or elaboration. Very irritating.

That's a hilarious way to describe Johnson.

This is what drives me nuts about people saying it's fall fake. Guetta's a real person. If anything, he's in on the bit, but that's totally different than saying it's all made up.

Kenan does poor _________ impression, stares wide-eyed and smiling at the camera for five solid minutes.

Brian who? Not familiar with that name, nor with any horrible works of fiction for which he might be responsible.

I know I'll watch this, but I'm also kind of dreading it because it's undoubtedly going to be three hours long.

How can they possibly have any legal grounds for this? It's a made-up word.

It can be two things

Yeah, this hardly seems worthy of an article in my opinion. I was expecting a hell of a lot worse.

I am slowly grinding away at the achievements in Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.

Is it really? It just seems like common sense to me.

I think the only shot for a decent Dune adaptation would be on HBO - that place that all adaptation conversations eventually end up.

I liked the novel a lot and I was initially pretty salty about the film adaptation really just taking the title, but it turned out to be a decent movie.

I can't answer that because I refused to see the third movie in theaters.

I just can't get over how terrible that barrel sequence looks. Awful CGI, awful coloring, awful use of a bloom effect on everything.