
"It's definitely a show I've watched, because it's on my network. Haha, we really like the show, it's really good, and I've seen it more than zero times."

I know that what day of the week and what season TV shows air does affect me indirectly (because those things affect the ratings of shows I like), but my eyes glaze over so hard when people discuss nerdy TV bullshit like when shows get moved to the "bad" Friday timeslot and all that.

who shot who in the what now

Yes! You said it perfectly - 28 Days isn't a decent horror movie, or a good zombie movie. It's a great film.

Is there an official list somewhere of anime dubs that aren't the worst? I'd love it if there were.

I really hate how I'm supposed to hate the Packers (as a Vikings fan), and yet their match ups keep necessitating that I root for them.

I'm an Aurora Borealis man all the way - truly one of the best line readings in TV history.
I also have a huge soft spot for "The Summer of 4 Ft. 2," and that Milhouse bit makes me laugh every time.

I'd be interested to know what the age cutoff is for this. I'm 27 and I never once made that connection. Curious to hear the ages of some others around here (from both "sides").

I literally never once made that connection.

I recently spent a couple of hours researching another board game to try out, and it's shocking how many of them look exactly like Cones of Dunshire.

We convinced our French teacher to let us watch Boondock Saints in 10th grade. The only part she insisted on skipping was the strip club scene.

The interns watch movies to make sure they're a good fit for the podcast - that's how I understood it. They're still watching them, but the interns keep them from wasting their time on movies that wouldn't even be enjoyable.

No, Batista changes his first name to Barista and opens a coffee shop. That's your spinoff.

I mean… I don't really care at all. I just think it's funny to warn about/acknowledge spoilers in the opening sentence when the info is already in the headline.

Yeah, I had my mind blown when I finally watched Twin Peaks for the first time and suddenly got the reference in 'Who Shot Mr. Burns Part 2'.

If all marketing shills were as great as the Lego Movie, I'd be all for it.

The best way to describe it is that it's a waking nightmare.

"Hey, this could be considered a spoiler… I'll just go ahead and put it in the headline."

Yeah, worth seeing in the theater in 3D, once. I had no desire to see it again.

Wow, I had no idea he showed up so late. I always think of him as a classic character.