
That video of Eisen saying goodbye is truly heartbreaking. You don't often see people open themselves up like that on a live TV broadcast.

Commenting very late, but the main actress really turned me off from this episode too. Or maybe not her specifically, but just her character's actions.

Yeah, Ryan Gosling, that no-name actor that has only been in one successful film and definitely isn't a household name, nearly-universally beloved for his work in both popcorn-fare and art films.

See.. that sounds pretty awesome to me.

You nailed why the "Shaft" argument is not valid. I've been trying to articulate that for a while.

Yes but he was still white, so good enough

Also, the very fact that white protagonists are often the default means that when a well-known character is written as a person of color, their race is usually a very large part of that character.

Shit, I'm like 20 hours too late to make an Idris EBITDA joke.

You can track your progress by looking at the sticky note on the character select screen. A heart means you've beaten Mom's Heart… I'll let you figure out the rest of the icons.

Sins: Rebellion is a great game. I love the complexity and depth, though I wish there was a way to speed the game up - it's not very common that I have 3+ hours to spend playing one game, uninterrupted. I know you can save games, but I have the most fun in multiplayer.

I think I'm just a few missions from the end, but yeah, I've still got lots of other challenges/optional missions to go. It's a really great game.

I don't really play games as they're released much anymore, so it's not surprising that the one game I did buy on release happens to be my favorite: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.

His performance is natural enough, and it actually worked for me (unlike the other guy who replied to me).

Shit man, someone replied to one of my comments just now, and I'm now seeing this comparison after finally having watched Death Note, and you're totally right.

why the bolt gotta be black

That's a great point. I never specifically thought of it either way when watching the episode, but you're definitely right now that I think about it.

I don't think it's too implausible that a little kid might accept that fact at face value without any outside concept that such a thing would be weird or taboo.

You must not be familiar with most of their other work…

You must not be familiar with most of their other work…

Yep, I definitely think its reputation will improve over time. It's not perfect, but its ambition will do a lot to endear people.