
It sounds like a homework movie to me. I can't get excited about it at all. Same with Two Days, One Night.

It sounds like a homework movie to me. I can't get excited about it at all. Same with Two Days, One Night.

I know it's fallacious, "good old days" thinking, but I miss threads like that.

Nice consonance, brah

Bro-ish? You have got to be kidding me. He certainly looks like he takes himself very seriously, but I don't see how you equate someone who would write a line like that with being a bro… at all.

Yes, amid all the jokes here, the fact that the FBI is actually able to confirm this is a very big deal from the perspective of international relations.

I don't think it's offensive. Just not very funny.

I really liked Snowpiercer, but I'm irritated by people insisting that it is so "thematically rich" or that the allegory is anything but surface deep.

Yes, me too.

It's from the Simpsons episode "Bart Gets Famous" - except that Core Concept added in the "childhood" line.

Yeah, accolades like that are very confusing for people without context. My only exposure to D'Angelo was that famous/infamous video from years and years ago.

"Under the Paving-Stones, the Beach!" kicks ass.


Eh, she's just not for me.

Still need to watch this, but Martinez is a genius. The Only God Forgives score is still on regular rotation for me when I'm working.

My wife and I stumbled across an exhibit of her work recently (it was in the same building of a work party we were attending).

Ah, my mistake. I usually expect jokes to be funny.

I need to give it another go. Hopefully I can make that my "big fat important book" of 2015 (2013 and 2014 were Infinite Jest and 2666, respectively).


Very disappointed to hear that Vegas was cut. That was by far my favorite section of the book.