
Or you could just continue reading… do you make it a point to read only things that you agree with? That would be a pretty boring life.

You're right, but there aren't many books that wouldn't be considered "relatively straightforward" compared to Gravity's Rainbow.

It's technically the only book released in 2014 that I read, but that doesn't make The Peripheral any less of my favorite 2014 book.

Yeah, that was the worst for me as well.

*insert a casual, snarky dismissal of a highly ranked show here, with no attempt to give any supporting evidence*

There was tons of backlash. Even that brief write-up above hedges itself against potential criticism.

I don't think Zack and ZMF exactly see eye to eye on a lot of things. Wack Handlen and all…

I look forward to playing this next year some time when Steam has all the episodes on sale for $5.99.

Yeah, I remember visiting my friend who had "fast" cable or DSL, and it was a big deal that songs took 5 minutes.

Oh my god, that is hilarious.

I'd like to apologize to all New England Patriot fans on behalf of everyone in Minnesota who rooted for them against the Packers. Obviously, our combined concentration and hope in your team somehow transferred our team's Viking-ness onto yours, if only for the night.

I bought Saints Row IV Game of the Century edition on Steam during the sale, and I'm loving it so far. I actually went through the trouble to do all the challenges and everything on SRIII, and this one will likely be no different.

You may have figured this out about Tiny Planet (orbiting tears), but it clicked for me once I started firing away from enemies I wanted to damage, rather than directly at them like I would with normal tears.

It really seems like you didn't actually read the review, and your characterization of the reviews here is also completely wrong. Also you helped me fill two spots on my dumbass internet commenter bingo card (leftist and PC).

These Gameological reviews usually take a more academic perspective (except when they don't). It's a nice change of pace, as long as you know what you're getting. There are plenty of other places to go if you also want a more traditional review that covers gameplay more extensively.

Y'all can judge me, but I love the first one. I'll definitely see this.

That's kind of what I like about it. It's always familiar. I never sit down and listen to a full episode, but it's nice to have on in the car or in the background on a lazy Saturday evening.

You're telling me there are people who don't eat cheese every day?

Reading anything from the Flat Earth Society is actually fascinating. I've seen people suggest that most people who contribute don't actually believe the Earth is flat - they just want to practice debating.