
How does one faint steadily? All I can imagine is Eli fainting and coming to over and over again while you apparently try to make out with him.

Thanks for your comment, but we're only accepting pun threads or obvious Nolan jokes at this point.

Yes, everyone's misinterpreting this so that it fits into the "Nolan is humorless" narrative. Really, he's just saying that it's hard to make a Comedy because it has one very specific goal - to make people laugh. If it doesn't do that, it's a failure.

Attempting to invoke early-90s Sprite commercials

I love that John can slip the word "terpsichory" into his NFL column and it doesn't feel out of place at all.

Different strokes…

"This man makes very successful movies that a lot of people (usually wrongly) say are super complicated! I better make it clear that I totally see all the plot holes in his movies and he's really not that smart!"

I assume you know the general concept behind the gameplay, but I went into it blind and wasted some time before I actually figured it out:

I agree completely. I don't really see how a fan of the original could be truly disappointed with this game.

Most of the people buying things like this are men. Most of those men are straight. Ergo, most of those men like women.

Thank god we got an update! It's hard to keep up with the fast pace of the Great Job, Internet news cycle.

I don't think that "if you don't like it, don't read it" really jives with a website that's mostly dedicated to TV and film criticism.

If you have the patience for Don't Starve, BOI:Rebirth should be right up your alley.

Honestly, just keep playing (if you enjoy the game). You'll just get to a point where it will click.

Uh, yeah… it's only been two full days since release, and I already have 11 hours spent playing BOI:Rebirth.

I know it's taboo to express fondness for any portion of reddit around here, but I usually enjoy my time on the nfl subreddit. Had to share this post someone made about last week's Thursday night game:

I love that John breaks the game down into what truly makes it enjoyable. The fact that he can do it without using the jargon and while keeping such a light, enthusiastic tone speaks to what a great writer he is.

Funny, I was just listening to the Only God Forgives soundtrack by Cliff Martinez. This sounds remarkably similar.

I think you hit the nail on the head for how a lot of people feel about this show.

They also just seemed like such nice guys who were genuinely interested to talk to their callers.