
I loved Car Talk - so many car rides spent listening to it with my dad. When I found out they went to MIT, it blew my mind. They worked pretty hard to maintain that "every man" type image on the show, and it was a lot better for it.

One of the best descriptions that I read of it is that it's Refn's version of a Lynch movie.

Cool that the bar for what justifies a newswire post is something that is "kind of funny."

My wife and I have a nice date night planned tonight, and we're having a bonfire tomorrow, so not a ton of time for gaming, but when I do: Dark Souls

Definitely a sensible take.

Smells delicious…

As egregious an example as this is of AVC just reposting shit they saw on reddit, this one made me laugh pretty hard.

I haven't seen this in a while, but I remember liking it. It's nothing groundbreaking, but it felt warm, familiar, and pleasant - a perfect companion (ugh, I know) to the radio program, which is just the kind of thing you listen to on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

Are you a fan of the radio program?

I have a feeling that you're either missing or not mentioning another large portion of your son's viewing habits.

Has anyone here ever talked to those people who love the new Hobbit movies, and insist that they're just as good as the original LOTR trilogy?

Sif was annoying (as was having to run all that way every time), but I've been more frustrated by the ghosts in New Londo.

Still playing Dark Souls - I beat Sif! I got frustrated with my measly Broadsword+3 and ground out enough souls to level up so I could use the Black Knight Greatsword and finally just learned his attack patterns enough.

Red Zone channel? I'm just getting used to watching the actual games again now that I bought an HD antenna after saying that I'll buy one for the last three years. Before this I just watched grainy, questionably legal livestreams online.

Other than the first one? I thought that was generally well-liked. Or was that just by me?

I remember my wife saying she liked Hawk, in that minor character kind of way, but Coop was always her favorite (just like everyone).

Uh… I'm going to guess this won't be the same Batman story we've already heard. Did you see The LEGO Movie?

Yeah, I killed those cat things too. Two of them bugged out and got stuck trying to back up a hill right by those trees, so they were super easy.

It was nice to see a competitive game last night. I thought we were in for another walloping when the Colts were up 24-0.

I've only played Cities and Knights once, but I recall that it fixes some of the issues that more serious boardgame players have with the original. Specifically, it legitimizes vertical progression as a strategy rather than a last resort.