
It's fall, so I've actually been playing PC games again.

I came back to Don't Starve after a while away. I never really feel like I've broken through - I always die to those wolves or spiders. I think the longest I've lived is like 15 days?

I don't have much of an opinion on Batgirl, but I'm a huge fan of Cameron Stewart because of his graphic novel Sin Titulo.

Maybe it was just that the Vikings were losing 42-0, but that new Brad Allen referee who was on Thursday Night Football had such a punchable face.

I'd love to! I am completely ignorant of this game, all the Final Fantasy games, and all of the Zelda games.

Grizzly Bear - Yet Again
Dntel - Pillowcase
M|O|O|N - Hydrogen
Liars - A Ring On Every Finger
Aphex Twin - fz pseudotimestretch+e+3 [138.85]
Cliff Martinez - Only God Forgives

Sorry, I have no dog in this fight. I was just being surly - that's exactly how I am about movies too, to the point that it irritates people around me.

Gravity's Rainbow is probably the worst place to start with Pynchon. Inherent Vice is at least… three times easier than that.

Going into films with his mind already made up is kind of D'Angelo's thing.

Watch out for Lovecraft's virulent racism.

Isn't it though? Honestly, that's why it's so genius.

Simmons basically captured lightning in a bottle with the first book. The amazing world-building and the Canterbury Tales-style narration works so well together that I think it would've been hard to match it.

I made it through two and a half books of the Baroque cycle. I'd been getting close to wanting to revisit it and finally finish, and your comment somehow made me both excited and horrified at that prospect.

I'm about a third of the way through 11/22/63. Good so far, though I have a feeling I haven't quite gotten to the actual 'good' parts yet.


Like Lord of the Rings!

Honestly, he'd be better off doing a full format of his HD. Probably should smash all his SD cards as well.

Avoid that article, avoid comments talking about the film, and avoid any reviews.

Looking for a word to describe a dollar amount? Why not use 'cool'? Only literally every other article that ever mentions a dollar amount has used it before!

The X-Files, Fringe, Lost… basically any show with a hint of sci-fi or supernatural elements that had any amount of serialization?