
Honestly, he seems like a great candidate for crowdfunding, doesn't he? I know I would gladly give money.

I love moments like that. The great thing is that most of the time the lines were already funny for some reason, even before I got the reference.

The thing is, with that kind of long term training, it's more important to just do it.

I've been obsessed with King of Tokyo lately. It's the perfect mix of simple, strategic, and quick.

As a Vikings fan, this whole thing is just the worst. Not only was AP considered one of the best players in the league, everyone thought he was such a great guy. I could've handled finding out he was just kind of a douchebag, but a literal child abuser?

This is the only place I ever got into a legitimate "go fuck yourself" argument with another commenter, and yet within a week or two I think we had both honestly apologized to each other.

I just got a job offer! It's a significant promotion within the same department. So… that's something.

Are all the actresses trying to branch out from porn? Because it looks like they're all trying to branch out from porn.

Writing that way is the only thing Vago knows how to do.

I didn't think it was that bad, but as I've made clear I am a bit of a Snyder apologist.

It seems more likely to me that it's just Nairn that won't be in the season. It doesn't make sense that they would just leave Bran out because they caught up to the books - they've already showed they're not afraid to skip ahead of the books where necessary.

Well I'm kind of a phony for drawing the comparison to GR, because I still haven't finished it.

Spoilers, I guess, but I'm not sure this is really a book you can spoil.

I loved The City and the City, but I'm not sure I would call it heavy. There's lots to be read into its setting, obviously, but I also enjoyed that Mieville didn't use the metaphor to take the logistics of the concept any less seriously.

I picked up Inherent Vice yesterday. Read about 40 pages before I went to bed and I'm loving it so far.

Wow, that conversation is maddening.

I finally finished 2666. It's a hell of a book, and while it already has a considerable reputation, I think eventually it will be held up as equal alongside other sprawling masterpieces like Infinite Jest and Gravity's Rainbow.

Same for me.

Who the fuck were those clowns from the Daily Planet? Were we actually supposed to care about them?

Sorry, we don't do anything but shit on Snyder around here, regardless of facts.